onsdag, mars 01, 2006

eating a bulle Posted by Picasa

Joey Posted by Picasa

clara Posted by Picasa

jake Posted by Picasa

new painting behind couch Posted by Picasa

new shoes from Aunt Nicole Posted by Picasa

hi Posted by Picasa

new pjs Posted by Picasa

Clara Posted by Picasa

The human backpack Posted by Picasa

tisdag, februari 28, 2006

Jakey and daddy hugging... Posted by Picasa

dangerous guys in new pants with knife and gun Posted by Picasa

Clara jumping around Posted by Picasa

boys taking a short nap Posted by Picasa

måndag, februari 27, 2006

I love...

Sales Manager Nilsson showing what this is really about...

top leaders in indonesia

promoting a reward trip to Espana! check out the chest hair...:-)....creative..

motivational speech by Mr Ola

Directors Seminar Jakarta February 2005 - 350 top leaders of Oriflame Indonesia